One of my favorite movies is The Martian. Don’t judge. It pulls back the curtain on how astronauts solve problems and shows us what’s at stake during times of peril. The movie is a masterclass on the decision-making process and demonstrates how the intersection of time and data impacts each step. When it comes to decision-making, there’s a simple equation for good leadership: make more right decisions than wrong ones. And great leaders can make tough calls under the gun with minimum data.
[Read more…]Time to Rethink DTC
There are a lot of bold post-COVID-19 Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) predictions circulating the interwebs right now. I see articles with headlines like ‘DTC is Dead’ followed almost immediately by ‘DTC is the New Retail.’
So here’s my contrarian prediction:
[Read more…]Hurry Up And Wait
Much of our team’s effort over the last five days will never see the light of day. The actions we are taking will fade without any immediate quantitative results—and I’m OK with that. We are working diligently on planning for unexpected scenarios and preparing for events that may never come to pass.
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